Fitness and Fighting. Where’s the balance?

A couple of years back, I posted about a fitness kick I was on. Basically I considered them two domains at that point, with fitness in support of kempo. These days, I now have much better access to fitness facilities, so I’ve again pushed it to the front burner. This weekend, I was training with a friend who is, to say the least, not in what one might consider ‘the best of shape’. However, this person can still apply his art effectively. Very effectively. I’ve often said, some arts require a certain level of fitness. If I see an old, fat smoker kicking a young fit person’s butt, I certainly want to find out what he’s doing. My out of shape friend doesn’t apologize for his fitness level – he says ‘if I can make this work, think how well a fit person could make this work.’

But, you don’t get attacked every day. Despite the impression you get watching the news, the vast majority of us don’t die by violence. Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, these are the killers lying in wait for us. I think we serve our folks best by striking a balance of fitness and skill development. I know folks say that they can get fit at home and just want the straight knowledge at their class, but then again, they don’t seem to get around to it.

I justify this approach in the idea that people pay personal trainers money for sessions to learn what to do along with the supervision in the exercise. I think a mix of fitness and skill development goals have a long term possibility, in that going to class on a regular basis offers a real tangible benefit. It actually rewards long term attendance. 

Where do you folks stand on this idea. Who’s in shape? Who’s looking to get back? Would a more fitness focused class be something of interest?


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2 Responses to Fitness and Fighting. Where’s the balance?

  1. Jason says:

    I think staying fit is important ,not specificaly for fighting but in general.I know some people have trouble staying motivated,but personely I enjoy a good work for staying fit for fighting I just don’t worry about fighting that much any more.I believe a persons intention and enviorement make up a lot of the outcome in a physical may be bigger, stronger ,and faster than me, but if you treaten my wife or kids,you better have youre game on.I meet with a group of martial artists twice a month. we are from different schools,and differnt back grounds.I have to say one of the best guys in the group is kind of heavey set,but man he is strong! he is also pretty fast.I guess skill is more important than fittness[but why take a chance]

  2. matt says:

    I think that skill, fitness and psychology/attitude make up a triangle of attributes that determine the ‘fight’ in a person. To be unfit and a good fighter, one must really max out their skill and have a real warrior’s heart. However, if someone else has maxed their skill, has a warrior’s heart and is fit, the unfit guy is kind of out of luck.

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