Slashing Knife Techniques


1) Step back with the left foot to avoid the initial slash. On the back swing, step back in and double knifehand block to arm. Right hand grabs the wrist of the weapon arm, left forearm breaks the elbow. Follow with left elbow thrust to ribs, and a left tiger claw to groin and left backfist to the face. 


2) Step back with the left foot to avoid the initial slash. On the back swing, step back in and double knifehand block to arm. Right hand grabs the wrist of the weapon arm, left forearm breaks the elbow. Left ridgehand to inside of elbow, drive knife to ribs. 


3) Step back with the left foot to avoid the initial slash. On the back swing, step back in and double knifehand block to arm. Right hand grabs the wrist of the weapon arm, left forearm breaks the elbow. Left elbow to ribs, snake the hand around the head, and step back with right foot to snap move takedown. (or knee to nose, and neck break) 


4) Reverse Slash: Step back to avoid the knife and step in with a left knife hand block and grab the wrist of the weapon arm. Right rising fist breaks the arm, follow with a hammer fist to the ribs (repeat as necessary). Follow with a right leg hock and ridgehand to the throat. Finish with a stomp to the throat. 


5) Reverse Slash: Step back to avoid the knife and step in with a left knife hand block and grab the wrist of the weapon arm. Right spear hand to throat, followed with a right rising fist to elbow. Finish with hammer lock behind opponent or a reverse hammer lock takedown.