A Glimpse at Kajukenbo

This video provides a quick glimpse at Kajukenbo. For those in Kempo Jutsu, the kata will look definitely familiar. For the Shaolin Kempo crowd, if you train with contact, you may find that you have more in common with your Kajukenbo kin than you imagined.

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One Response to A Glimpse at Kajukenbo

  1. Joseph Catanese says:

    Cleaning up old emails and came across this. I’m a a Shodan in Chinese Kempo then changed to Shaolin Kempo.

    I also am authorized to teach Kajukenbo under Professor S. Kai Li.

    It’s all the same thing. Different branches same theories.

    Stop the attack, stun , finish.

    Might be five moves might be one . Same principle’s.

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