Kempo Jutsu, as created by Professor Kimo Ferreira, introduced the form Shirukuma from Motobu-ryu as a tribute to Motobu Chosei, Sensei. The structure is similar to many fundamental karate forms, but the Hikite returns closer to the centerline / solar plexus rather than to the hip in similar forms.
This is a somewhat older video that I’ve recently uploaded to Youtube, but the front and side views hopefully make the movement clear.
I have see this hikite in Kosho Ryu. I find that interesting.
It makes sense,as Kosho had some inspiration from Motobu Ryu, if indirectly. Although Mitose never trained with Motobu, he could have trained with Thomas Miyashiro, a Motobu student who was in Hawaii at the time. In fact Miyashiro brought Motobu’s book which directly influenced Mitose’s book, to Hawaii.