More Youtube finds, this time of two young black belts on a mat in a parking lot doing a quick run through of combinations 1-20. Please keep in mind that these are two young folks doing a quick run through.
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I knew i recognized these teens — at least one if not both have been to my dojo for seminars. Their instructor is constantly seeking to increase his knowledge. I will say that i have seen some of the changes done in these combinations before and do not care for some. I will need to go back again to be precise but there were some kicks thrown in there that were just added in to look “prettier” and i never was a fan of the added backfist in combo 6. A couple power moves with 10 and 17 instead of using rotational force – but for age and rank I think these teens did a nice job and at least posted the basics of the moves.
my log in didn’t work, did you kill me off?
Yes, there were some things “added”. But they didn’t look too “pretty”. But how many people can rely get those “rolls” to work well in those combos? I know I never could. Most people don’t even try. Plus I think these two kids were hampered by too small and thin of a mat on a hard pavement. So they didn’t even try, they just did a roll. In actuality, how I was taught 6 and 7 was to kick before the strike comes in, so there isn’t even any block. Yes, no need to add a strike to 6, as it is a “foundation” combo upon which to build others. What is that Left arm wraparound he does on #1? I do it with my Left Palm Heel pressing upwards on Tricep Tendon just above the elbow. What did he do on #3? #4 had some good stuff to it, #5 had two kicks “added on” at the end. Yikes!! I have totally forgotten #11. Left out #13. Ahh yes!! Good ole #14. I use to love that one. I got really good at that one. Something is awry with #15. I do it with a twist stance off to the left, outside of punch together with a …..what do you call it?……ur going to make me look that up…..A Double Broken Chicken Wing Block, with my Right Hand forwards to opponent. Then I step forward with my Left Foot, behind him, while pushing down (slamming) his right arm with my Right Hand (his hand into his own groin). Move behind him, Left Ridgehand around his neck, strike into front of throat, almost simultaneously a Right Palm (fingers pointed down) into the small of his back to arch him backwards. Lay him out over my left knee, Right hand, Rake down, then Rake up, Right downward elbow to sternum, immediate Back fist to groin. I always found that the key is to “layout” the opponent. I forgot about #16, some what. No #18. Aarrghh!! There is #19, one that never worked too well for me. I always ended up smashing the guy’s face into the floor.