Jesse Dwire is hosting a weekend workout featuring Hanshi Vincent Anthony. From all descriptions I’ve received this should be a very interesting weekend of pretty hard core training. I will be there, and I’m looking forward to it.
For those that are interested, I have a link to the poster (which also doubles as a registration form).
The price is right, and it promises to be a weekend of high level training. I’m sure Jesse can add more information in the comments section.
Weekend Workout at Dragon-Phoenix November 6th-7th
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This is going to be an amazing weekend. Every time I train with Hanshi Anthony and Shihan Cutter there is some extra tweek that makes the pain even sharper. Hanshi has Kempo roots – if you go to his webpage you can see Kempo Masters on his Black Belt council. For this weekend I wanted to break down specific topics on saturday and on Sunday it will be more of a combination of the activities on saturday. Please contact me for more details – I prefer to at least get an email to tell me your coming and what events you are doing.
Hope Matt posts some feedback on the seminar
I’ll definitely be posting a seminar review. Stay tuned.
The feedback was big enough that it deserved its own post. See above!