Five Kata

This writeup is from William French – aka (courtesy of fnorfurfoot) –, used by permission.

Front position and bow. Right foot steps out into a horse stance + Overhead cross scissor block then pull hands down to elbow position and kiai (hands out on elbows).

Right foot half-moons forward into a right half-moon stance + Right downward palm block then backhand strike. Left foot half-moons forward into a left half-moon stance + Left downward palm block then backhand strike. Left foot half-moons backwards into a right half-moon stance + Right ridge block then spear hand poke to bladder. Right foot half-moons backwards into a left half-moon stance + Left ridge block then spear hand poke to throat.

Left foot steps backwards into a horse stance turning body 90 degrees to the left. Low cross scissor block. Double knife hand blocks. Right spear hand poke to throat + Left spear hand poke to bladder.

Left foot steps backwards turning body 90 degrees into a right bow stance + Right #7 block. Pivot into a right bow stance + Right back fist to face.

Right foot slides together with left into front position turning body 180 degrees to the left + Left hand draws back to elbow position + Right hand goes palm to palm with left hand. Right snapping side kick to stomach + Right back fist to face. Right foot lands to the right into a horse stance. Left back fist to face. Right back fist to face.

Left foot steps forward into a twist stance. Right flying side kick. After landing turn attention 180 degrees to the left. Left foot pulls up into a flamingo + Left downward palm block + Right open handed #5 block. Left foot steps down into a left half-moon stance + Left palm block + Right ridge hand strike to groin. Left foot draws back into a cat stance + Left hand presses attacker’s arm down. Left foot steps forward into a left half-moon stance + Right spear hand poke to throat. Double knife hand blocks. Double thumbs to the eyes. Both hands grab attacker’s head and pull down into a right knee to the face followed by a right snapping front instep kick to the groin then land forward into a right half-moon stance.

Right foot steps to the left turning the body around 180 degrees into a left half-moon stance. Left #2 block. Left back punch to face. Right hand draws back to elbow position + Left hand goes palm to palm with right hand. Right rising heel. Right foot lands forward into a right half-moon stance + Right spear hand poke to throat + Kiai.

Right foot slides backwards into a horse stance. Overhead cross hammer block then pull hands down to elbow position and kiai (hands out on elbows). Right foot slides together with left back into front position. Bow.